Urban logistics has been a topic of interest for researchers and practitioners for more than 40 years, but it remains difficult to address due to a lack of unification in the proposed definitions and methods.
This book provides a logical, practical and unified vision of the planning of sustainable urban logistics: a vision which has already gained an increasing international following. Starting with a history of urban logistics in France and around the world, as well as the main actions in urban logistics and the contribution of the different scientific communities, the author presents the basics of sustainable urban logistics in a broader, multi-stakeholder vision.
Issues of evaluation, planning and scenario assessment based on a vision of the analysis of change are also addressed. The book proposes a set of methods for estimating urban logistics flows based on international standards, as well as methods for evaluating sustainable urban logistics, together with examples of real-world applications.
1. Where Are We After 20 Years of Urban Logistics?
2. A Unified Definition of Sustainable Urban Logistics.
3. The Evaluation, Assessment and Analysis?of Scenarios as Decision-Making Tools.
4. Estimating Inter-establishment Flows.
5. The Estimation of Other Urban Freight Transport Flows.
6. Estimating and Modeling Change in Urban Logistics.
7. Indicators and Dashboards for the Evaluation of Sustainable Urban Logistics.
8. Estimating the Impact of Sustainable Urban Logistics.
Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu is Associate Professor at Ecole des Mines in Saint-Etienne, France. He has more than 10 years of experience on the subject of sustainable urban logistics, upon which he has become an international reference.