Wine Management and Marketing

Opportunities for Companies and Challenges for the Industry

Wine Management and Marketing

Foued Cheriet, MOISA, France
Carole Maurel, University of Montpellier, France
Paul Amadieu, Montpellier Management Institute, France

Hervé Hannin, Montpellier SupAgro, France

ISBN : 9781786305282

Publication Date : December 2020

Hardcover 298 pp

165.00 USD



This collective work highlights the new challenges facing the French wine industry and the issues that arise from it. Written on the basis of academic work and field studies, conducted by a group of Montpellier academics in Economics and Management Sciences (Groupe Montpellier Vin), this book presents recent and original research results and raises the key issues related to finance, strategy, international management and marketing. Professionals in the sector, academics, students and wine enthusiasts will find up-to-date information, in-depth analyses and above all, an invitation to a stimulating debate on the prospects of this traditional, yet innovative sector.


Part 1. Business Strategy Applied to Wine
1. Land Strategies and Installation in Viticulture; Etienne Montaigne and Samson Zadmehran.
2. The French Vineyard in the Face of Climate Change: Developing an Adaptation Strategy Based on Prospective Scenarios, Hervé Hannin, Jean-Marc Touzard, Patrick Aigrain, Benjamin Bois, Françoise Brugière, Eric Duchêne, Inaki Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri, Jacques Gautier, Eric Giraud-Heraud, Roy Harmand and Nathalie Ollat.
3. Coopetition in the Wine Sector, Julien Granata and Franck Duquesnois.
4. Innovation in Small Wine Cooperatives, Valérie Ceccaldi.

Part 2. International Management and Wine
5. 10 Years of Academic Research on Wine Exports is a Must! - A Bibliographical Review of Publications, Foued Cheriet and Carole Maurel.
6. Trading Policy, Export Strategy and Performance, Ludivine Duval and Jean-Laurent Viviant.
7. Creation and Development of Wine Markets by Les Grands Chais de France in Africa, Franck Duquesnois, Vincent Voisin and Laure Dikmen.

Part 3. Finance Applied to Wine
8. Characterizing the Financial Situation of French Winegrowing Operations, Magali Aubert and Geoffroy Enjolras.
9. Sustainability of Wine Cooperatives, Louis-Antoine Saisset.

Part 4. Marketing and Communication in Viniculture
11. Label Graphic Design as a Tool for Wine Brand Positioning, Josselin Masson, Karine Garcia and Franck Celhay.
12. Wine in French Cinema: The “Loi Évin”, Communication and Placement, Foued Cheriet.
13. Marketing and Export Approach for French Wines: The Case of LGI Wines, Foued Cheriet.

About the authors/editors

Foued Cheriet is Associate Professor of Strategy and International Food Marketing at Montpellier SupAgro and a member of the MOISA Joint Research Unit (UMR 110 MOISA) in France. His research focuses on the agri-food sector in the Mediterranean. He is also the author of numerous journal articles on strategic alliance issues and conflicts, and inter-organizational relationships.

Carole Maurel is Associate Professor in Corporate Finance and International Business at the Montpellier Management Institute, University of Montpellier, France, and a member of Montpellier Research in Management (MRM). She is specialized in the agri-food and wine industry and her research focuses on SMEs internationalization.

Paul Amadieu is Associate Professor at the Montpellier Management Institute where he teaches Accounting and Financial Analysis. In the MRM laboratory, he carries out his research on the financial performance of companies. This has found a particular application in the wine sector through study of the performance of intangible investments and the ability of cooperatives to withstand crises.

Hervé Hannin is an Agricultural Engineer, Doctor in Agricultural Economics and Director of Development at the Institute for Higher Education in Vine and Wine (IHEV) at Montpellier SupAgro. A researcher at UMR MOISA, he studies strategic foresight for the vine-wine sector and its major transitions – particularly climate change – as part of INRAE’s LACCAVE program.