Fundamentals of Acoustics

Fundamentals of Acoustics

Michel Bruneau, University of Maine, France,
Thomas Scelo, (translator and contributor), University of Auckland, New-Zealand

ISBN : 9781905209255

Publication Date : June 2006

Hardcover 640 pp

275.00 USD



The objective of this book is to provide a fundamental grounding in acoustics which will provide the reader with the ability to gain an understanding of the scientific and technical literature in this area, while also presenting the major applications of acoustic engineering. The coverage is limited to acoustics in fluids and the methods explained most often adopt an analytical approach. The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or non-homogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.


1. Equations of Motion in Non-dissipative Fluid.
2. Equations of Motion in Dissipative Fluid.
3. Problems of Acoustics in Dissipative Fluids.
4. Basic Solutions to the Equations of Linear Propagation in Cartesian Coordinates.
5. Basic Solutions to the Equations of Linear Propagation in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates.
6. Integral Formalism in Linear Acoustics.
7. Diffusion, Diffraction and Geometrical Approximation.
8. Introduction to Sound Radiation and Transparency of Walls.
9. Acoustics in Closed Spaces.
10. Introduction to Non-linear Acoustics, Acoustics in Uniform Flow and Aero-acoustics.
11. Methods in Electro-acoustics.

About the authors/editors

Michel Bruneau is Emeritus Professor at the University of Maine in France. He is the founder of the Laboratoire d’Acoustique from University of Maine (LAUM) affiliated to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) where he was the director of the postgraduate studies in acoustics. This book results mainly from his lectures and publications.

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