Divided Solids Transport

Industrial Equipment for Chemical Engineering Set

Divided Solids Transport

Jean-Paul Duroudier, Ecole centrale de Paris, France

ISBN : 9781785481833

Publication Date : December 2016

Hardcover 182 pp

100 USD



This book is part of the Industrial Equipment for Chemical Engineering Set. Throughout these concise and easy-to-use books, the author uses his vast practical experience and precise knowledge of global research to present an in-depth study of a variety of aspects within the field of chemical engineering.

This volume discusses the transport of a divided solid, between workshops in a factory and from a factory to the external market. Numerical examples are given for almost all the devices involved and the pneumatic and hydraulic transportation parameters are calculated.

This book includes discussions on the movement of a divided solid by a liquid or gaseous stream, the energy consumption for a given flow and how transporters are affected by the density and flow behavior of the divided solid being handled.

The author also provides methods needed for understanding the equipment used in applied thermodynamics in the hope of encouraging students and engineers to build the programs they need themselves.

The chapters are complemented with appendices which provide additional information as well as any associated references.


1. Re-entrainment of Solid Particle Beds Swept by a Fluid Current.
2. Mechanical Conveying of Divided Solids.
3. Pneumatic Conveying of Divided Solids.
4. Hydraulic Conveying of Divided Solids: Stand pipe and L-valve.

About the authors/editors

Jean-Paul Duroudier is an engineer from Ecole centrale de Paris, France. He has devoted his professional life to the study of materials in chemical engineering.

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