For two centuries, the school system has been a central point around which other players have gravitated: local authorities, voluntary organizations and the world of work. Over the course of the 20th century, this school centric configuration underwent a transformation, with local authorities tending to become integrated into the vertical culture of the school system. This was only the beginning of a process that brought schools and socio cultural players into constant contact.
Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces first examines the relationships with knowledge generated by the links between the school system and other cultural, training and educational spaces, taking a historical, pedagogical and philosophical perspective.
Easy access to learning materials creates different relationships with knowledge than those observed in schools. The book then looks at the pedagogical practices in these different cultural educational spaces, such as libraries and media libraries, museums and historical sites, places of heritage, history and entertainment, social networks and other multimedia formats.
Part 1. The Cultural Spaces of Knowledge.
Introduction to Part 1, Régis Malet.
1. Local Educational Community and New Knowledge Sharing, Sylvie Condette.
2. Expanding Roles for Community Institutions: US Public Libraries as Community Health Partners, Mary Grace Flaherty.
3. Regarding the School Form: Critical Reflections, Pierre Kahn.
Part 2. Museums and the School Form: What are the Interactions?
Introduction to Part 2, Anik Meunier.
4. The Transmission of Technical Culture in France in the 19th Century via Collections of Objects, Géraldine Barron.
5. The Musée de la Corse and the Citadelle de Corte, Experimentation of Museum Mediation in the Service of a Shared Future, Marion Trannoy Voisin.
6. Institutionalization of Passion Instead of Competence, Nathanaël Wadbled.
7. The Contribution of Museums in Non-formal Education and Cultural Transmission, Anik Meunier and Camille Roelens.
8. Cultural Space, Digitization and Training in the Museum, Corinne Baujard.
Part 3. Reading and Cultural Mediation.
Introduction to Part 3, Denise Gisele de Britto Damasco.
9. Developing New Teaching Practices for Reading and Writing in French Elementary Schools Involving Book Mediators, Nathalie Bertrand.
10. Making Books Resonate: A Cultural Mediation Exercise Offered to Trainee Schoolteachers, Pascale Gossin and Isabelle Lebrat.
Part 4. Informal Learning, Formal Learning, Hybrid Training.
Introduction to Part 4, Sylvie Condette.
11. Informal Adult Learning in Libraries: Between School Form and Popular Education? Theodora Balmon.
12. The Construction of Boundary Objects: A Lever for the Transformation of the University Form, Rana Challah and Geneviève Lameul.
13. Cultural, Curricular and Axiological Challenges of Training for the Education Profession in the Era of Globalization, Régis Malet and Martine Derivry-Plard.
14. The Emergence of Patrimonial Education in the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve (ABR) in Morocco, Salma Itsmaïl.
Theodora Balmon is a library curator, trainer, teacher and researcher in educational sciences at the Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, and the Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli, France.
Bruno Garnier is a Professor at the Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli, France. His research interests focus on educational policy issues in the era of globalization, the history of political rhetoric in education and the democratization of education.